
A simple / lightweight JavaScript template engine

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A simple / lightweight JavaScript template engine ( node / browser )


Class document is available:

How to build ( for browser )

Install task / test tool at global:

npm install -g grunt-cli mocha

Install development npms

npm install .

Run the build task

grunt build

Basic Usage

Retriever.make(template) and parse(params) will returns parsed string.

In node

Simple require and call method.

var Retriever = require('retriever');
var template  = 'Hello, {{libName}}!'
var bind      = { libName: 'Retriever' };

// will returns 'Hello, Retriever!'
var result = Retriever.make(template).parse(bind);

In browser

Load a build-scripta and call method.

<script src="build/retriever.min.js"></script>
var template = 'Hello, {{libName}}!'
var bind     = { libName: 'Retriever' };

// will returns 'Hello, Retriever!'
var result = Retriever.make(template).parse(bind);

Supported sections


var template = "{{if dat == 'foo'}}foo{{else if dat == 'bar'}}bar{{else}}baz{{/if}}"
var bind     = { dat: 'bar' };

// will returns 'bar'
var result = Retriever.make(template).parse(bind);

Supported features

  • Relational operators: >, <, >=, <=, ==. ===, !=, !==
  • Logical operators: &&, ||
  • Calculation like: {{if a + b > 100 * 10}} ( a, b is supplied from parser parameter )


When Array<Object> loop, index can access:

var template = "{{loop section}}{{value}}{{/loop}}"
var bind     = {
    section: [
        { value: 'foo' },
        { value: 'bar' },
        { value: 'baz' }

// will returns 'foobarbaz'
var result = Retriever.make(template).parse(bind);

When Array<Number|String|Booelan> loop, index can access through @data index:

var template = "{{loop list}}{{@data}}{{/loop}}"
var bind     = { list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] };

// will returns '123456'
var result = Retriever.make(template).parse(bind);

In the above case, It can access parent Object through @parent index:

var template = "{{loop list}}{{@data}}{{}}{{/loop}}"
var bind     = { foo: 'bar', list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] };

// will returns '1bar2bar3bar4bar5bar6bar'
var result = Retriever.make(template).parse(bind);

And Enable to use nested section.